- Sign up for a Google Alert to a search phrase of your choosing.
- Set up an aggregator account and add a CEP416 folder within which you subscribe to each other’s blogs and the course blog.
- Update your “aggregator” link on the wiki page.
- Play with iGoogle. Add some of the gadgets, move them to different places, and try out the “Add Tab” feature.
- Work on your portfolio. By the end of class, all of your main pages should be published and linked to properly even if the content is in rough draft form.
- Create a post on your blog where you discuss personalizing the internet for your own use and for potential use with your students.
- Register for the COE tech conference. Class will not meet next week, September 25th and 26th so that you can attend the conference. Attendance at the conference is mandatory.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Week 4: Personalizing the Internet Lab
In lab for September 18th and 19th, you should: