- Set up an account with Google Page Creator or another web creation site.
- Set up the major structure of your portfolio. You might want to sketch this out on paper first.
- Put text, a picture, and a link to your blog on your website's homepage.
- Update your portfolio link on the Wiki Gallery so that it links to your homepage.
- Create a new post on your blog that discusses what you want to accomplish with your portfolio and how your structuring of the portfolio will maximize your success with these goals. Be sure to give the post an appropriate label or tag.
- Sign up for a week to do your New Technology Presentation. You should partner with one other person (I think one group will need three). You might want do decide these partnerships via a particular interest, subject area, or grade level. Let instructor know the groupings and when you would like to present. Two presentations max per week, first come first serve.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Week 3: Professional Web Portfolio Lab
In the lab portion of today's class, you should: