- Set up a social bookmark account and bookmark some sites of professional interest to you. Be sure to think about how you would like to tag or organize them.
- Update the “bookmarks” link on the wiki page
- Set up a calendar account and create a couple of sample events on a public calendar (you might even try subscribing to the CEP416 calendar).
- Update your “calendar” link on the wiki page.
- Create a post on your blog that discusses how you might use bookmarks and calendars a) for your personal/professional use, b) for students to use, and c) for parents to use
- Continue working on your portfolio. By now, all your major pages should be up even though they are under construction. Please have your resume up as a pdf by next class period.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Week 6: Organizing the internet lab
In today's lab, you should: