Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Week 10: Collaborative Applications

The agenda for October 30th and 31st is:
  1. Collaborative Applications PPT.
  2. Test Run
  3. Questions about Tech Plans?
  4. Portfolio Assessment

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week 9: Mock Interviews

The agenda for Oct. 23rd and 24th is:
  1. Mock Interviews
  2. New Tech Presentations
  3. Dinner
  4. Work on your Tech Integration plans

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 8: Adding Sound

The agenda for October 16th & 17 includes:
  1. Any questions about adding images?
  2. Google Earth KML
  3. Complete Part 1 of today's lab portion.
  4. Brief group discussion about your questions and comments regarding podcasting.
  5. Small group activity to brainstorm possible ideas for the technology integration plan. Groups should use the whiteboards to document their ideas for presentation to the class.
  6. Class presentation of tech integration plan possibilities. This presentation will be recorded using Audacity so that we can podcast it from our blogs.
  7. New Technology Presentations
  8. Complete Part 2 of today's lab
  9. Portfolio Questions???

Week 8: Adding Sound

The lab for October 16th and 17th consists of two parts:

Part 1:
  1. Watch the tutorial on preparing your blog for podcasting.
  2. Burn your blog's feed with Feedburner so that it is capable of podcasting.
  3. Add the button through Feedburner so that people can easily subscribe to your new podcast feed.
  4. Create a link to your Feedburner feed on the wiki gallery. As a hint, the url for this page should start out with the address "http://feeds.feedburner.com/"
  5. Subscribe to your podcast feed using iTunes.
  6. Watch the about podcasts video. Write down any questions or comments you want to discuss with the class.
Part 2:
  1. Download the audio from of our class discussion about technology integration plans. Save it to your afs space or your googlepages space.
  2. Create a new post on your blog in which you write about some of the possibilities you can see for using podcasts in K-12 education. Be sure to embed a link to the .mp3 you downloaded in step 1 above so that you can complete making your podcast.
  3. Return to iTunes to verify that your podcast was successful.
  4. Get caught up on any remaining assignments. Keep in mind that your mid-term portfolio evaluations are this coming Tuesday and Wednesday, October 23rd and 24th, and your polished Technology Integration Plans are due on Tuesday or Wednesday, November 6th and 7th. See the syllabus for greater detail.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week 7: Adding Images

The agenda for October 9th and 10th is:
  1. Any questions??
  2. Creative Commons
  3. CC Videos & Comics & FAQS
  4. Flickr, PicasaWeb & FlickrCC
  5. Map Mashups – Google Maps and Earth
  6. New Technology Presentations
  7. Adding Images Lab
Photo Attribution:
Original image: "Erickson Hall"
by: Joe Freidhoff

Released under an Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike License

Week 7: Adding Images Lab

In the lab portion of class for October 9th and 10th, you should complete the following tasks before leaving:
  1. Explore the Creative Commons website. Add a CC license to your blog and/or portfolio. If you would like to reserve all rights for your blog/portfolio, show me that you can add the license, then you can remove it.
  2. Upload one of the sample pics from ANGEL or one of your own onto a photo sharing site like Flickr or PicasaWeb. Add a link to your site on the wiki gallery.
  3. Create your own map mashup using Google Maps. Be sure to link your map mashup to the wiki gallery.
  4. Also save the KLM file for your map mashup and upload it to either your afs space or to your googlepages file space. Link to the KLM file through the wiki gallery so that people can download your map and see it in Google Earth
  5. Find a CC image using FlickrCC or CC Search and add it properly to a post on your blog. In this post, write about what you have learned regarding the use of images, copyright, mashing, etc. and what this will mean for your own use of images. Also comment on what challenges you think might exist in helping students to think about the use of images more critically.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 6: Organizing the internet

The agenda for Oct. 2nd and 3rd is:
  1. Guest Presentation
  2. Updated Course Timeline
  3. Tech Conference Discussion
    1. What were the key ideas you want to remember?
  4. Any questions about personalizing the Internet?
  5. New Technology Presentations
  6. Organizing the Internet PPT
  7. Organizing the Internet Lab

Week 6: Organizing the internet lab

In today's lab, you should:
  1. Set up a social bookmark account and bookmark some sites of professional interest to you. Be sure to think about how you would like to tag or organize them.
  2. Update the “bookmarks” link on the wiki page
  3. Set up a calendar account and create a couple of sample events on a public calendar (you might even try subscribing to the CEP416 calendar).
  4. Update your “calendar” link on the wiki page.
  5. Create a post on your blog that discusses how you might use bookmarks and calendars a) for your personal/professional use, b) for students to use, and c) for parents to use
  6. Continue working on your portfolio. By now, all your major pages should be up even though they are under construction. Please have your resume up as a pdf by next class period.